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Oxfam Report Confirming Massive British Loot, many Indian leaders had also made similar claims

Oxfam Report

Oxfam International has come under fire for allegedly "weaponizing history" after publishing a report that claims Britain drained £52 trillion from colonial India.

The report argues that the UK owes reparations to India for extracting £52.58 trillion between 1765 and 1900. This marks the first time Oxfam has called for Western nations to provide reparations to former colonies.

Titled "Takers not Makers: The Unjust Poverty and Unearned Wealth of Colonialism," the report proposes that Western countries commit to paying former colonies at least $5 trillion (£4 trillion) annually in reparations and "climate debt" — the amount owed by Western nations to poorer countries to cover the costs of climate change.

The report states, "Reparations must be made to those who were brutally enslaved and colonized. Our modern-day colonial economic system must be radically restructured to end poverty." It further suggests that taxes on the wealthiest individuals and corporations should be increased to fund these reparations.

The $64.82 trillion figure referenced in the report was not calculated by Oxfam but was attributed to two Indian economists, Utsa Patnaik and her husband Prabhat Patnaik, based in Delhi. Congress leader Shashi Tharoor has previously stated that British rule reduced India from one of the richest nations to one of the poorest.

Speaking at the launch of his book An Era of Darkness: The British Empire in India, Tharoor emphasized that the British actions in India were solely to consolidate their rule and control over the country, rather than benefiting India or its people. Tharoor said, "The fact is, 200 years ago, the British arrived in one of the richest countries in the world — a country that contributed 23 percent of global GDP and where poverty was virtually unknown." "It was a country that led the world in textiles, steel, and shipbuilding.

After 200 years of exploitation, expropriation, and outright looting, this country was reduced to one of the poorest in the world by the time the British left in 1947," he added. 

India's Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar also addressed the issue, stating that India suffered "humiliation" under colonial rule for two centuries. He referred to an economic study that estimated the wealth extracted by the British from India, amounting to approximately $45 trillion in today's value.

Jaishankar stated in his address at the Atlantic Council in Washington DC, "India endured two centuries of humiliation at the hands of the West. An economic study estimated that the British extracted $45 trillion from India, in today's value."

Oxfam's report, along with these statements, has reignited the debate on the legacy and impact of British colonial rule in India.

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