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Globalism is civilizational suicide, posts Elon Musk on X, is it official American policy now ?

Elon Musk

Many across the globe have been trying to ascertain as to what Elon Musk is upto when he is trying to extend support to the right wing anti immigration political outfits across America and Europe. 

Well, now the latest pic posted by Elon Musk pretty much clears the picture as regards the official policy that will be followed by most Western nations. The pic that has been shared by Elon Musk shows Western nations watering globalism. But the tricky part in the pic is that there is a rope tied to the Western nations and the other end of it is tied to the plant.

It is thus clear that as globalism would grow, the noose would tighten around Western nation thus strangulating them. With this, Elon Musk posts caption to the pic saying "Globalism is civilizational suicide".

It appears that he is propagating a policy where Western nations increasingly try and stay aloof from the rest of the nations and work on restoring the altered demography in these essentially White nations. 

Many would interpret it to mean that America led globalization has come to an end. Of course this stands in sharp contrast to the threat from new American President Donald Trump to BRICS nations to not attempt any dedollarisation.

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