Rajya Sabha MP and Chhattisgarh Pradesh Mahila Congress President Smt. Phoolodevi Netam raised the issue of preserving the Chhattisgarh rice varieties—Gathuvan, Maharaji, and Laicha—through a special mention in the Parliament.
Smt. Netam highlighted that Chhattisgarh, known as the rice bowl of India, is home to many rice varieties that are on the brink of extinction. While the cultivation of scented rice varieties such as Dubraj, Vishnubhog, Basmati, Jwafool, Jeerafool, and Haldi-fool is declining, indigenous varieties like Gathuvan, Maharaji, and Laicha, which have medicinal properties and are beneficial for treating arthritis, cancer, boosting immunity, and skin-related issues, are becoming increasingly rare. Only hybrid rice varieties seem to be available in the market. Farmers, burdened by debt, are opting for hybrid rice to maximize profits and are neglecting the cultivation of scented and medicinal rice varieties. If timely action is not taken to encourage farmers, these valuable rice varieties may become extinct.
Smt. Netam urged the government to ensure the availability of high-quality seeds to farmers and to provide incentives for cultivating scented and medicinal rice varieties like Gathuvan, Maharaji, and Laicha.