'..illegal construction should not be tolerated..', Minister reacts to Shimla Sanjauli Masjid issue
On the construction of Sanjauli Masjid in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh Rural Development Minister Anirudh Singh says "As far as the mosque in Sanjauli is concerned, I want to emphasize that illegal construction should not be tolerated anywhere in Himachal Pradesh...The matter regarding the mosque was brought before the Municipal Corporation in 2010, and there have been around 44 hearings in the courts. Despite this, the construction was carried out illegally. When ordinary citizens violate regulations, they face immediate action, so why has this issue been overlooked for so long? Illegal is illegal, whether it's a temple or a mosque. People of various communities live harmoniously in Himachal Pradesh, they taught us to maintain brotherhood in every city...We've urged the Chief Minister to maintain records of illegal immigrants and to verify their police backgrounds, whether they're coming from Pakistan, Bangladesh, or even within India. If these individuals are arriving from outside, we must understand what criminal activities they might be involved in..."
It need be mentioned that a large number of people gathered outside Sanjauli Masjid in Shimla to protest against the alleged illegal construction of the Mosque.